lunes, 23 de diciembre de 2013
(sin titulo)
simplemente quiero dejar de sentir, de nuevo quiero volverme un sociopata al cual no le importe nada, dejar de preocuparme por los demás para preocuparme por mi mismo.
quiero ser como los demás, que no me importe ni un carajo lo que los demás sientan y piensen, quiero ser como la gente que se fue, quiero estar entero de nuevo, quiero dejar de andar por la vida cargando los pedazos de lo que una vez fui.
por una vez en la vida quiero preocuparme porque yo este bien valiendome madre lo que los demás sientan, poder decir "allá ellos y su dolor".
poco a poco me acostumbro al hecho de estar deprimido, de que no me voy a sentir mejor en un buen rato, de saber que en verdad este es mi nuevo estado natural, un estado patetico.
"no quiero ser feliz ni crcer"
cada vez sas palabras cobran mas fuerza.
me importa mas que la gente este bien y que crezca y que yo me quede varado simplemente para ayudar a la gente a seguir adelante.
no supe en que momento me volví el balsero de de Stigia que solo espero ayudar a las almas a llegar al mas allá, al diferencia es que no planeo cobrarles nada, ya que en el momento que he intentado pedir algo a cambio, recibo una bofetada, de menos, si no es que una patada o un puñetazo.
quiero dejar de querer a la gente.
o de perdida, quiero ser gente.
miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013
Over thinking (I hav everything I need)
Aun así, me siento mal, me siento solo y desahuciado, entonces entiendo que aun así, aun cuando ellos se dan cuenta que así me siento, y aun cuando se los digo, no me juzgan, me siguen queriendo, no me intentan "arreglar" saben que algo esta mal conmigo, pero que ellos no pueden resolverlo, que lo único que pueden hacer es darme ese cariño y ese calor que me hace falta, aun cuando no me "arregle".
martes, 30 de julio de 2013
This good Robot - Call The Police
Empiezo a quererme como soy, tan horrible o tan maravilloso como sea que soy, no mas miedos, no mas precauciones, mientras no deje que los sentimientos me dominen todo estará bien.
"This is the human I am".
Al mismo tiempo pongo la canción "Call the police - This good robot" ya que es la contra parte, porque también:
"I've lost all the human I am"
Dejo de negar quien soy.
Me siento completo, no necesito definir mi vida por como me sienta, sino por quien soy.
Y me gusta quien soy.
martes, 23 de julio de 2013
Vuelvo a sentirme mal y solo, a veces no se ya ni lo que quiero, si quiero estar con alguien o si quiero mandar a todos al.diablo, mientras lo averiguo aqui dejo algo:
Es bastante peculiar la manera en que transgredes mi pensar.
Como llegas y te clavas en mi pecho, aqui en mi piel, traes a mi tantos recuerdos que ya he dejado atrás, tantos viles sentimientos que no quiero recordar.
Me traes melancolia, de aquel que ya no esta, y la tristeza de no poder confiar jamas.
Me traes helada indiferencia de aquella que se fue, me tras hirvientes fuegos, de odio y resentimiento.
Me traes la esperanza en la incertidumbre, aun sabiendo que la odio.
Me traes contigo un estado de catarsis del cual no se si saldre.
Tu siempre tan dulce, mi eterna compañía, mi soledad.
Si ando de bohemio, y que.
I will love you as much as I can. (Revised)
You didn't promised more than others,
You didn't promise to be with me the rest of your life,
Or ever asked if I loved you back.
To love you back and gave you all that was me.
You dont have to worry my love
I will love you even if I am dead, bad and done.
lunes, 22 de julio de 2013
And it's gone.
A veces es bueno dejar ir las cosas y seguir el flujo de las cosas, el día de hoy me di cuenta que debo dejar ir las fantasías, y alegrarme de lo que tengo, de lo bueno y lo malo, ya que a veces eso malo podría ser peor.
Tengo problemas en las rodillas, tengo salud, no tengo el dinero que quisiera, tengo dinero para sustentar mis vicios y necesidades, he perdido a mucha gente especial, tengo un roomie nuevo, no tengo novia, tengo amigos y amigas.
No tengo todo lo que quiero, pero tengo todo lo que necesito.
Y si, este parece el blog de un adolescente confundido, pero igual expresa lo que pienso y siento, y eso solo me importa a mi y a nadie mas.
Get on with it!
sábado, 20 de julio de 2013
¿Pero de que debería hablar primero?
¿De el trabajo que se ha vuelto insufrible, de lo bueno que se ha hecho tener dinero, de lo malo que me he vuelto con las relaciones interpersonales, de que me volví un stalker, de como me di cuenta que solo puedo tener relaciones serias, de mi adicción a las series televisivas, de como mis amigos se han hecho cada vez mas parte importante de mi vida (mi pequeña familia) o de como poco a poco me he vuelto mas como era hace unos 7 años (lo que es irónicamente bueno, ya que vuelvo a tener desapego y amor propio)?
La verdad no se que decir, solo lo resumiré con:
Estoy bien, crecí.
jueves, 27 de junio de 2013
Lets us be free. V 2.0
So here it is , enjoy:
Let us be free.
A dark silhouette standing, thinking, looking at Damian
Damian sitting on the floor watching his own hands: It was me, just me in the darkness…
I was lost, insecure, and then, then just silent. He came to me, not like he left me before, but then, he talked to me…
Dharamian arrogantly walking right through the darkness: You look lonely, even now when I’m near you … And the worst thing here is that you feel Exactly as pathetic as you look, don’t you?
Damian lifting his face to look into Dharamian’s eyes, those deep, pale eyes: Indeed, sometimes I ask myself “where did you came from and what do you want?" And you know what, I’ve gotten no answers in all these years.
Dharamian hugs Damian, like a father hugging his little son, with that tenderness and that love. He whispers in his ear: You know why you need me, I’m your strength, I’m your hatred… I’m you… the best of you!
Damian hugs Dharamian back: Yes, I know that, but I can’t even feel safe by your side anymore, I feel like you have ulterior motives, like you are compromised with someone else, with your own purpose, not with mine… I mean, ours…
Dharamian stops hugging Damian and holds his face tenderly with both hands, talking to him, their lips separated only by a few millimeters. And then, gently, with a sarcastic tone, he says: Of course I’m following your interests my dearest, but also mine, I refuse to be like yourself, those hidden secrets, wishes and desires. Then his lips slowly touches Damian’s face, his cheek, his ear: That is, after all, why I’m still here, I’m doing this for you, only for your own benefit. I can’t go because you can’t deny yourself, you can’t deny me.
Dharamian slaps Damian on his right cheek so he can crouch on top of him. Holding both of his hands against the floor as a fearsome predator giving a dead sentence to his prey, he slowly rubs his nose against Damian’s face while he talks: You can’t get rid of me, as you did with your childer, you can leave me on my one, to let another good doer like you take care of me. I’m your courage, and you know it. Come on, let you, sorry, let me be free, to do what you can’t with this pathetic waste of time you’ve called unlife. You got to understand my dearest, that you can’t run away from me, you have to embrace me, you have to feel the anger let this feeling flow through you so you, so I, so we can be complete, you need to let go, and let me be incharge.
Damian can only turn his head away from those eyes, those pale, hollow eyes, those eyes he sees when he’s not around, mesmerizing, the eyes of a beast he had been trying to avoid his whole life. not because they can do any damage to him, but because he knows what kind of damage they can inflict in people he loves, those same eyes where the reason he decided to leave his childer in better hands at London.
It’s then when he sees all the infamies those eyes had saw, had inflicted on innocent people. he could only tart crying: You bastard, why did you do all that to all those innocent people. Dharamian let go Damian’s hands and gets straight without getting off of him, with his left hand carefully takes of the hair to unveil his eyes, while with the right one does the same with Damian’s hair: I was just taking care of you my dearest, I would never let anything harm you, my most beautiful and precious thing in the whole wide world. But, if you keep being so stubborn, I’ll have to take some measures.
While he leans his head towards Damian’s, he gently traverse his lips through the wet path of tears, from his eyes to his ear, licking every drop, all the way through that painful path that was drawn almost all over his cheek, just to mutter him: Think of it, we are together in this, and I’ll never let you go.
The darkness covers the two silhouettes as the night falls in New York, and while the blood helps his body awake, as every other night, he can only observe his surroundings. A trashed and really decayed apartment with some furniture and the usual belonging, he looks for other people inside the apartment with him, but he is alone, and he can only think: You need me more than I thought. My dearest fool.
This is based on my first Vampire: The Masquerade Character, a Deranged Malkavian (Yes, I know, it is really shocking to know I would write about deranged people) with D.I.D. (Dissociative Identity Disorder), more commonly known as multiple personalities.
I hope you liked it.
P.D. The moral of the story is:
Never google yourself at 3 in the morning, not when you are trying to write a short tale for a web magazine.
martes, 30 de abril de 2013
Once upon a time.
domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013
sábado, 23 de marzo de 2013
Happy birthday. (how...)
Happy birthday to you both.